
Airkit’s voice is confident and serious, but not stiff or distant. We’re aren’t afraid of showing our quirkiness or our excitement. We like to crack a joke now and again, especially on the blog, forums, and social media. Positive emoji and hilarious GIFs are a part of our culture.

We speak with our users instead of at them. Warm and relatable is vs corporate and cold.

Our tone is situational and depends on the person we’re addressing. It is an expression of our identity and will change based on context.
Our tone is more often than not:

  • Conversational and informal.
  • Humorous when appropriate.
  • Optimistic. We are problem solvers.

Our tone changes depending on the following:

  • Audience. Are we speaking to the economic buyer or technical user?
  • Content type. Are we writing an email, blog, or press release?
  • Emotional state. When our reader engages with a specific piece of information, how are they feeling?

Style Guide

Whether you are an Airkit employee or an external partner working with Airkit to produce content, adhere to this style guide to ensure all writing accurately aligns with and represents the Airkit brand.

Airkit writing goals

Everything we write should accomplish the following goals:

  • Simplify complex concepts and improve understanding of an idea.
  • Educate on our product, space, or expertise.
  • Serve a purpose. We do not write for the sake of writing. Each piece of content should answer the question it was designed to answer for its intended readership.
  • Empower our audience. Our content should always leave our readers more informed, more confident, and better equipped than they were before.

Airkit writing principles

Everything we write should accomplish the following goals:

  • Write clearly. Readers should know exactly what a piece is about and what action they are suggested to take.
  • Write clearly. Readers should know exactly what a piece is about and what action they are suggested to take.
  • Write with respect. Treat everyone courteously. Never write with a cocky or condescending attitude.
  • Write helpfully. Provide answers to our audience’s questions quickly. Go beyond the text, employing visuals and other elements, to guide people in the right direction.

Do’s and dont’s

  • tbd
  • tbd
  • tbd
  • tbd
  • tbd


The source of truth for all messaging around Airkit as both a product and a company.

How you should use this

This document should be useful for every single team member at Airkit.
Use it to answer common questions like:

  1. What is Airkit?
  2. What is Airkit for?
  3. Who is Airkit for?


Defines what type of product we are, and what industry we’re in. Like many innovative products, it’s an industry we’ve created and will continue to define as we evolve


The next time someone asks you what Airkit is, tell them this:


Our mission defines what we’re trying to do, and the impact that that effort will have on the world.


Our frontier defines what the world will look like when we fulfill our mission.

North star

Our north star defines our fundamental defining principle, the belief that drives us to do what we do.

Problem statement

Our problem statement defines not only the problem we’re trying to solve, but also why we’re trying to solve it.

Core audiences


Marketing pillars

These pillars back up our core definition and clearly communicate the value of our core aspects:

  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD